Friday 6 July 2012


Group Reflection
There is only one word that can sum up this entire trail: Enriching. We cannot say that it is entirely enjoyable, because we have had our fair share of ups and downs, but neither can we say that it is unpleasant, because through this Orchard Road Trail, we have learnt so much more.
Let us point out our negatives first. Firstly, there was a time-management issue. We thought that there was so much time on our hands that we decided to take everything slow. However, we did not consider how much time the after-jobs would take, thus resulting in rushing towards the end of the deadline. We also did not plan our time well during the trail, thus causing us to not have sufficient time to complete the entire trail on a single day. Next, we were not clear on the requirements for the write-ups and PEEs, so we were very confused and disorganized when it came to that segment of the trail. We realized that we should always clarify before we start work, least we waste time redoing everything over and over again.
However, we benefited from the trail too. We were able to work together; we were all reliable and punctual for the group meetings. Different work load were allocated to each group member according to their strengths and everyone played a part in editing and reviewing each other’s work. The researchers had researched their parts accurately, the map-drawers had drawn out the map very precisely and gave correct directions, thus we rarely lost our way during the execution of the trail, and the photographers and “actors” in the group were professional and did their fair part in making the trail a success. We were efficient and responsible, and reminded each other to hand up work on time etcetera.
We had so much fun during the trail, and we all admit that we have become more bonded as a group and more mature in many ways. We learnt that trust is a key-factor to success, and though arguments were unavoidable, we had solved any problems together and made everyone content in the end. 

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